CTN vs William Osman
In this episode of Sailor VS, YouTube’s rogue engineer challenges Cryptologic Technicians to a formidably advanced task—the egg drop. With 5 minutes and 3 dollars, both teams must find materials that will save their egg from a three-story fall from an aircraft carrier. Watch as the CTNs attempt to assemble their unconventional cushion while simultaneously dodging William’s probing questions about their secretive job. Then, hedge your bets as each contestant throws their egg to the wind. Gravity is unforgiving. This is anyone’s game.
To return the challenge, our CTNs challenge Osman to assist in a task requiring slightly more brainpower—a wardrive. Watch as they join forces to sniff a Navy Chief’s home WiFi, checking for open networks and boosting her security. Can William help the CTNs fix what’s broken? Or will he blow their cover instead? Learn more about Cryptologic careers.